I have learnt something about Being in Ministry…. Especially as a Woman, Naturally women are known as people who like Competition! Yes so I struggled so many time in discovering who I am because I used to think so and so preaches better than me, so and so has many followers, so and so does this…. mmh until one time I encountered with God and He taught me the secret of bearing fruits in Ministry. I began to learn the moment you start to loose focus and look at so and so, the moment you start to say but that one prophesy better than me, You are now walking on your own because Ministry shouldn’t be about you. It should be about God.
God began to take me through and said to me my daughter, Do you know the reason why I call many of you? I asked Him why my Lord? He said to me you are all unique you have your own uniqueness, someone else has their own…. He said to me there is a reason why I gave you your voice, there is a reason why I gave you your height and there is a reason why I gave you your own understand/wisdom….
Through all He spoke to me I began to understand that my messages are different from my neighbor’s messages, because I am unique, the Spirit of God ministered to me, Acknowledge who you are, how you are made and it will be easier for people to understand what you are saying, Keep teaching them the messages that bless your heart, messages that made you to be where you are right now.. Don’t try and copy anyone else, because it is not about you but its about Me your God, lead my People to me not to yourself, speak to them only what I tell you, take more time with me more than with anyone or anything else…. And I will amaze you.
I struggled a lot to discover myself but God taught and showed me who I am, I am blessed by allowing my heart to bleed for Him, I get strength in crying when I get intimate with Him. I realized focusing unto God as a minister or if you want to be used by God. Mostly we are tempted to focus on ourselves and forget the one who called us and anointed us… Don’t let pride to take over you because you will forgot who you are.
Pray always that God may separate you with everything that will separate you with God, When Queen of Sheba came to meet with Solomon, she came with prideful motives but we saw God humbling her with the wisdom of Solomon…. God sent her to go and bless Solomon but rather we see her wanting to test Solomon because she had so much but now she used it as a wrong motive…. I pray for you may You Grow to get more intimate with God so as you may overcome the enemy of your Faith (Pride)

Published by Woman In Ministry

Well! Allow me to round up my profile😁. Prophetess Sophie Segomotso Royal, I’m a preacher, author, Law student, Life coach, song writer, blogger & Talkshow host. I'm an entrepreneur. Spiritually I am Trained in the prophetic, healing, deliverance,Domestically a raises prayer squads, Pastor's wives, Ministers of the Gospel, helping those who are unprivileged, young people in prostitution, drug and alcohol abused women find stability both naturally and spiritually, In giving and intercession I began to answer the call to teach God's people to pray when I was 17years although I always knew I am called at the age of 7 when I could see the unseen and experience God's presence when I was Ministering singing. I have passion for intercession and desires to see people free. I have a passion to traveled around the globe preaching the gospel. Currently I have monthly conference taking individual needs of women around the world. I currently live in Gaborone , training up women ministers and empowering the people of God with the word of God. I believe in piercing the darkness through prophetic intercession. I am the founder of an amazing woman’s Ministry, @womenofprayerint'l. It’s an organization for ALL women - encouraging them to surrender their whole life to Jesus! I also host annual @QueesOfChristconference, God is faithful & we started 5years ago.... Well we didn’t want to depend on the church to eat so I started writing my own books, the first one will be officially out before the end of this year . We own about few businesses with my hubby. I mentor women. I help them to walk in their purpose, find new streams of income, how to cook delicious and different meals & live their best life in Jesus. I am fiercely honest. I forgive easily even when you have betrayed me😅. I know I can at times grace people too far to the point of them trying to take advantage of me. I love hard. I just do. I can be a perfectionist. I’m learning not to beat myself up. I spend a lot of time with Jesus. I’m obsessed with Him. He died for me so I live for Him. I love Him so very much.

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